Illawarra Chapter News

NatMeet 2020 Slide 1 v2

NatMeet 2020 - Registration is now closed

10 November 2019 / Peter Feutrill

Registration for the 2020 Natmeet XIV Hunter Valley is now closed.

Award Winning Seafood Lunch

05 November 2019 / Words and Photos Adele Weatherall; Extra photos: Lena Hill

An MX-5 group learns how to act in case of a tsunami....

The Amazing Chase to Braidwood

28 October 2019 / Words and photos by Gary Williams

How many grey nomads does it take to block 8 MX-5s?

Tulip Time in Bowral

28 September 2019 / Writing and Photos by Jan Gibson

Jan said, 'read my tulips.' So you should, and sing along with her story !

The Illawarra Chapter's President’s Picnic

22 September 2019 / Jeff Rowe

How did the Illawarra Chapter fare in the Concours?

Wollongong Mazda Sponsor Illawarra Chapter

17 September 2019 / Words and photos: Jeff & Pam Rowe

Meet our new sponsor.

Presidents Picnic Report & Results

17 September 2019 / Story by Michael Soulos, photos by Rob Wilko

with 207 attendees, 129 MX-5s, 12 trophies, morning tea, lunch and as close to perfect weather as anyone could ever have hoped for, this year's President's Picnic and competitions were a great success. Read more and see the competition results in News.

Illawarra 10 Pin Bowling August 19

30 August 2019 / Written: Jeff Rowe. Photos: Jan Gibson

Winner winner chicken dinner?

Detective for a Day

26 August 2019 / Writing: Brendan Barr. Photos: Jill Feutrill, Brendan Barr

Who will be anointed Chief Gumshoe? Read on to discover ...

Illawarra GoKarts @ Picton 2019

23 August 2019 / Story: Jeff Rowe. Photos Natalie Davies & Pam Rowe.

Will the young guns be gone in 60 seconds or will the guile of the more experienced drivers prevail?

Historic and Classic Vehicle Registration Scheme

07 August 2019 / Words by Keith Monaghan

The registration process for the club to offer Historic Vehicle Registration should be finished within the next 4 weeks. This has been an extensive process requiring modifications to the club’s constitution and the development of procedures for the system.

Christmas in July 2019

Christmas in July at The Robertson Hotel

30 July 2019 / Words by Tonia Ciacchi, Photos by Senia & Bob Gaunson and Bill Short

Everybody loves Christmas, so why not take the opportunity to celebrate Christmas in July! On Sunday, 28th July 2019, we decided to do just that. I was up early eagerly checking on the weather, and was really pleased to see it was going to be a perfect top down day.

Illawarra Run to Tarago

21 July 2019 / Story: Jan Gibson. Photos: Anda Clayton; William Short, Bryan Shedden

What happened 50 years to the day that mankind kicked the moon?

Recall - Mazda MX-5 (ND) MY2015 metal bracket

Safety recall on Mazda MX-5 (ND) MY2015

15 July 2019 / ACCC Product Safety Australia

Mazda Australia have issued a safety recall on the first batch of Mazda MX-5 NDs delivered to Australia in August 2015. If you own an ND, check the VIN list to see if your car is subject to the recall.

Common Ground Bakery Run

01 July 2019 / Writing: Robyn Simms. Photos Rob Sims.

Check out the story of 'How many buns in the oven!'

Mark's Meander to Mogo Zoo

27 June 2019 / Written: Bryan Hicks. Photos: Brendan Barr; Keith Monaghan; Jill Feutrill

How many giraffes can you fit in an MX-5? With the top down, of course!

Historic and Classic Vehicle Registration System

18 June 2019 / Words by Keith Monaghan

The Mazda MX-5 Club of New South Wales is in the process of setting up the systems and regulations required to meet the needs of the various bodies to be able to offer both Historic and Classic Vehicle Registration.

Shellharbour ten pin bowling

05 June 2019 / Words & photos: Mark & Hella Photos: Jan Gibson

How many MX-5s does it take to knock over 10 pins?

Tony's Valley to Vines

19 May 2019 / Written by Brendan Barr. Photos: Brendan Barr, Tony Heathwood

Will Tony find his missing wallet or will it be sour grapes for the day?

Club Torque Autumn Cover Competition

01 May 2019 / Mel Keller

Take part in the Club Torque Autumn cover competition and make your car a star.