Illawarra Chapter News

Damn Fine Dam

05 July 2020 / Words and photos Jan Gibson

Is there such a thing as a COVID safe run? Find out by reading the news report!

The first ever Club Run was held on 8 July 1990. The destination was Kiama for a spit roast lunch, after morning tea at Bulli Tops. The return trip was via Saddleback Mountain and Bald Hill Headland Reserve. Photo by Elaine Caldwell.

The Club's 30th Birthday

25 June 2020 / Keith Monaghan

30 Years. What a great club.

COVID-19 Update 14 June 2020

14 June 2020

We are slowly opening up our events with groups of 20 allowed

COVID-19 Update

24 May 2020

The latest COVID-19 procedures

COVID-19 Update 19 April 20

19 April 2020

COVID-19 how are we going at April 2020

COVID-19 Update

25 March 2020 / Keith Monaghan

As per the government’s new regulations we must cancel all club activities effective from 23 March 2020 until further notice.

Historic Aviation Museum Visit

24 March 2020 / Words:Jennifer Keenahan ; Photos Phil Belcher

Will they allow a drag race of MX-5s down the runway during our visit to Albion Park Airport? Or will Phil get to race against a 747?

COVID-19 Procedure

18 March 2020 / Keith Monaghan

This is the club's procedure for all members and visitors in relation to the actions needed in relation to the COVID-19 virus.

NatMeet 2020 Slide 1 v3

Postponement of NatMeet – Further Update

15 March 2020 / Peter & Jill Feutrill

One matter that has been raised a number of times today has been the refund process for people who are unable to attend NatMeet later in the year.

NatMeet 2020 Slide 1 v3

NatMeet 2020 – Impact of COVID-19

15 March 2020 / Peter & Jill Feutrill

After considering the potential health risks for all attendees, we have come to the difficult decision to postpone NatMeet to a date in either late September or October 2020.

Daylight Saving Feast 2020

14 March 2020 / Words by Jeff Rowe Photos by Jan Gibson.

How many seagulls does one invite to a fish and chip lunch?

Mazda MX-5 ND media photo

ND Windscreen Replacement

05 March 2020 / Brian Clayton

Have you checked your windscreen insurance lately

Ranger's Twisters

04 March 2020 / Words Kim Ranger. Photos Kim Ranger and Lena Hill

Series II of Ranger's Twisters brings you more bends than the Murrumbidgee River!

Bay Aid Escapade

04 March 2020 / Words Tony Heathwood; Photos Tony Heathwood & Brendan Barr

MX-5 Illawarra chapter decided to support one bushfire affected area, with a visit and an intention to spend money .... as long as we could hold on to our credit cards!

Kangaroo Valley Run

06 February 2020 / Words Senia Gauson, Photos Keith Monaghan

Bryan's Twilight drive and dinner at Kangaroo Valley Friendly Inn, planned for 4 January was postponed due to fires. So a month later on 1 February, 16 cars headed off in 38 degree temperatures from Haywards Bay on Saturday afternoon, roofs up, air-con on, along some beautiful country roads and the favoured Macquarie Pass

Illawarra MX-5 Christmas Party 2019

16 December 2019

The Illawarra Chapter's long list of helpers make it a winner! Read on to find out who made the 'winner's winner' awards!

Fawlty Towers Revisited

10 December 2019 / Words: Senia Gaunson; Photos: Senia Gauson & Brendan Barr

Can Sybil tame Basil, can Manuel find Basil the Rat? News report out here!

Black Cat White Cat Run

03 December 2019 / Writing Adele Weatherall, Photos Bill Short

While the cat is away, the MX-5s will play ...

Wollongong Mazda CB Radio Sponsorship

03 December 2019 / Jeff & Pam Rowe

Breaker! Breaker! Woolongong Mazda on channel 13!

High Tea 2019

24 November 2019 / Words: Chrissie Zaremba. Photos: Senia Gaunson

Prince Andrew has graciously agreed to appear .... will he turn up or do a TV interview?