Big Budderoo Loop

24 August 2024 / Story by Bryan Shedden, Photos by Ann Hicks, Rob Wilko, Bryan Shedden

On Saturday 24 August, 15 members and one visitor rocked up at Bean Roasted Espresso Cafe at Calderwood on an unseasonably warm day. The BOM had forecast showers for this morning but they never made landfall and we were blessed with clear blue skies and a top of 25°C. Crikey - it’s officially still winter. Our visitor Max with his grey ND was trying us out for his second run and we hope he’ll join the Club after his enjoyable experience today.


We started the drive by losing Mark & Julie at the first major turn! They were back on track soon enough, then over the hill to Jamberoo and up the steep climb to Saddleback Mountain for a quick stop at the lookout. Several of our crew are locals and had never been there before. Needless to say, they were blown away by the spectacular views of the Illawarra and beyond.



Back in the cars, we zoomed down the mountain to Kiama, sampling more amazing vistas along the way. My original plan was to zip down to Berry then over Berry Mountain. However, recent storm damage is still being repaired so I opted to lead the group south to Bomaderry, then over Cambewarra Mountain to Kangaroo Valley. The highway was the only boring part of the run, but at least we had lovely weather and fantastic views. We had a short delay on the mountain as roadworks have restricted the drive to a single lane with traffic lights, although it was still an enjoyable cruise.

Kangaroo Valley was chock full of weekend tourists and we passed straight through, crossing the historic sandstone and timber bridge with the Kangaroo River sparkling below. Our drive up Barrengarry Pass was enlivened with a group of supercars headed the opposite direction. What a delight to hear the roar from Ferrari, McLaren, Lamborghini and Aston Martin!

Big Budderoo Loop

Arriving at Fitzroy Falls, we left the weekend traffic and turned off for Myra Vale and the beautiful drive beside the reservoir and between the potato fields of the highlands. It was quite blustery by now, with the warm westerly kicking in. Our run down Macquarie Pass was punctuated by a long convoy of Skylines, WRXs and miscellaneous boy racers on their way up.

Albion Park Hotel was our destination for lunch. It was quiet inside with a handful of regulars propping up the gambling room and we had the bistro almost to ourselves. Jeff & Pam met us for lunch and Brendan joined us later too. My prior advice that my local pub does the best chicken schnitty in the region was eagerly heeded and many attempts were made to finish them off. Most took home a doggy bag, but I’ve had more practise and left nothing but gravy stains.

Rob Wilko - Thanks Bryan, the route and the weather couldn't have been better.

Ann Hicks - Awesome drive to Saddleback Mountain, 10 cars, glorious weather and views. Such a magnificent day for a drive, thanks Bryan, so good to be zooming around.

Senia Gaunson - Such a fabulous run! Perfect weather and the best schnitzel I've had in ages (that I didn't have to make). Lily will get half of mine tonight for dinner, it was huge!


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