Appin day out

15 January 2025 / Brigid Gallop

RPM go to Lunch at Appin.

We thought it would be nice to commence the year with a slightly shorter run and get everyone back in the swing of things, in a gentle way.

We have found in recent years that Settler's Restaurant at Mulgoa is a very agreeable way to start the day and the run.   Fifteen members got together and we were pleased to welcome our newbies Al and Rhonda from Lithgow for their first excursion with us.  

The weather remained threatening but the rain never came and we had a interesting run through Camden, Menangle and Douglas Park where we had the joy of a drive on the Douglas Park Road under craggy overhanging rocks on a very narrow windy stretch.  Members seem to love this little diversion.  Then onto Wilton Road and the Broughton Pass, which is another one of those windy, narrow but delightful roads.

We arrived at Appin Pub just in time and found our friends Jeff and Pam from Illawarra waiting and it was great to see our old mates.

Of course, the social aspect of our Club became apparent as we chatted loudly. Many topics were covered such as the dogs in our lives, and venues to get a really nice feed, as well as our hobbies which are as varied as fishing and theatre and the members penchant for going on holidays (a lot) got a look in as well.

At the end of the day, Ron and Brigid felt quite pleased to be able to tick that one off as a successful start to 2025.RPM Appin 250114