NSW Supersprint Championship - Round 3

Sun 02 June 2024
Pheasant Wood Circuit
7:00 am
Barry Luttrell, 0411 231 107 (leave a message if not answered), eventsec@nsw.mx5.au
Barry Luttrell (Event Secretary), 0411 231 107 (leave a message if not answered), eventsec@nsw.mx5.au

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Event entry is now open.

This NSW Supersprint round is at the Pheasant Wood Circuit hosted by the MX-5 Club of NSW.

The NSW Supersprint panel have introduced a new streamlined entry and registration process for 2024. 

Click on the following link for essential information before entering this event.

NSW Supersprint webpage for links to:

                              NSW Supersprint requirements and Motorsport Australia Event Entry link

                                Supplementary regulations part 1 

                                Supplementary regulations part 2 

                                Driver briefing 

                               More information about supersprinting