Honeysuckle Creek Picnic Run

Sat 18 January 2025
Two Before Ten Denman
10am for 11am start
Mike Lawless, mike.lawless@bigpond.com
Run Style
Waypoint Run
Run Grading

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Have a coffee at the cafe if you want. We will set off from there about 11am.

The planned route from Denman Prospect is to Uriarra Crossing, Cotter and Tharwa on the Cotter Road, Paddys River Road, Tidbinbilla Road, Naas Road and Apollo Road to the ultimate destination of Honeysuckle Creek.

Honeysuckle creek is high in the catchment above Canberra offering a taste of the mountain environment and cooler temperatures in the summer. It can be colder there than in Canberra.

Bring all your food and drinks for a self catered picnic. Bring chairs as well. There are tables and BBQs there but we can’t be guaranteed to have them to ourselves.

The Honeysuckle Creek tracking station, with its 26m dish, was renowned as the station that received and relayed to the world the first televised footage of Neil Armstrong setting foot on the moon on 20 July 1969. The dish was relocated to Tidbinbilla and decommissioned.

While the Tracking Station itself may not boast much now, the drive there in an MX-5 promises an enjoyable experience to what is the geographical centre of the ACT.

If you plan to attend please advise Mike by email by 15 January 2025.

Participants are encouraged to use Google Maps to familiarise themselves with the route. It’s a waypoint run, allowing everyone to drive at their own pace.

Google Reference: https://maps.app.goo.gl/yzEBUCzyA74XAyLp8?g_st=im