Warnies By Request

19 August 2024 / story by Robert Emmett, Photos Helen Mayo and Rob Wilkins

8th August, Tuesday 6am there was still some rain hanging about ,it had rained heavily through the night and it appeared it would definitely be a top up drive . By 8am the morning had improved ,roads were still wet but the sun was trying hard to brighten the day so it would definitely be a top down drive .

Assembly time was 9am at the Lions Park Toronto and here 13 MX5's and 22 members assembled in what was a muddy car park . Whilst members were assembling a group of 15 to 20 walkers came through the car park .As the walkers admired the assembled cars and members of both groups chatted it turned out they were a group from the Newcastle , Maitland catholic Di-oasis on a 100 KM pilgrimage ,maybe a good thing to do . I think the MX5'ers were doing it much easier .

At 9.30 am after the usual run down of rules and protocols members maned their vehicles and a radio check was made before moving off . Heading south around the back of Lake Macquarie . Through Toronto and on to Morisset along the Mandalong Road passing horse studs then through the windy bit where it was heavily treed ,the trees forming a tunnel as the tree tops joined above the road . Then it was Dooralong and Jillbilly and more horse studs eventually reaching Hue Hue Road and turning back North to reach Sparks Road . From Sparks Road another right turn which lead us to the rail crossing at Warnersvale . Accross the rail line and another right and left turn brought us into the parking area of Warnie's Caffee.

At this point the group was joined by another 2 cars and 4 members who had had to proform grand parent duties before joining in on a great morning tea and lots of chat . Another excellent Hunter Chapter Run thanks to Jen and George for arranging and leading the run .