Canberra Christmas in July

12 August 2024 / Words and most photos James & Giulia Schiemer

On a beautiful sunny morning, blue skies, no wind… who are we kidding?! The Little Sutton Bakery carpark was wet and windy and about three degrees as our brave participants rolled in for coffee and breakfast! Three cars were missing and would join us later, so we had seven cars and thirteen bodies.

Suitably warmed up with coffee and pies, we were all ready about 9.05, but just as we were diving back into our cars, Rhys and Ashley arrived after organising their canine responsibilities! Rhys was most distressed (“it was supposed to be 9.15”) about missing out on his morning coffee!

Our first target was a comfort stop at Binda. The snow flurries around Crookwell were slightly disconcerting but heated seats are a great invention! Not sure why, but nobody seemed to want to stop and chat around the Binda CBD (well, toilet block and one shop!).

The run from Crookwell to Blayney is a great MX5 road, bends and twisties galore, especially around Tuena. Damp roads required a little less enthusiasm in the bends…... but still fun!

Our lunch stop was Carcoar where Ian and Robyn joined the run. After a nice meal and maybe a beer or two (passengers only, of course), we ditched plans for investigating the delights of the village… possibly due to the cold and rain! So off we went to Canowindra to check in at the historic Old Vic Inn, where Graeme and Alison allocated everyone’s room. Rod and Maryanne, our last participants, turned up just in time for a late arvo drink.

It was soon time to meet in the foyer for our 6.30 Christmas dinner booking across the road at Montrose House with Tommy, our host for the evening. Everyone displayed their Christmas glam, even a Mrs Claus looking very hot in fishnet stockings!

Dinner was delicious, three courses including turkey and plum pudding! Midway through the meal, Santa and (another) Mrs Claus appeared and handed out a Christmas gift to everyone! A special thanks to Phil and Berenice (aka “Bearnaise”) whose alter egos were Santa and Mrs C!

Returning to our lodgings across the road, in Canowindra’s main street, we may have sounded like an inebriated football team after a big win but we only woke up a few canines (we think anyway!) Some partying may have continued back at the Old Vic, but everyone was fully recovered by next morning.

After a light breakfast, we all mounted our steeds and some even lowered their roof as the sun was making an appearance! Next destination was Eugowra, a special destination for our chapter as the locals have always gone the extra mile to look after us, and still do even after the devastating floods of 2022. After fielding a few complaints from some in our group about the potholes on the way, we met Judd from The Fat Parcel Food Van who caffeinated and fed us with a second breakfast, as they have done on previous visits.

So, it was on to Forbes (without Rhys and Ashley as they needed to head home) and our scheduled visit to McFeeters Motor Museum. Upon reaching Forbes, we had our first u-turn of the run when the GPS lady said “turn right” which we took to mean the approaching T-intersection at the highway! No, she meant turn right into the museum’s driveway! Anyway, Bill (and Jan) showed us through their impressive collection and told stories about many of the vehicles on display. Sadly, the museum is for sale, hope it remains as it is with a new owner.

Ready to eat again, we then descended on Oh-So-Sugar in the Lake Forbes park, and ate lunch in the park with occasional bursts of sunshine! A run rebellion was under way as some of our group felt we couldn’t visit the area without a visit to Parkes (30k) and the Elvis museum, and guess what… another car museum!! Well worth visiting!

Dinner was booked at Club Forbes, a short walk from our lodgings at Forbes Victoria Inn (staying with the “Vic” theme!) and most of us wandered over around 6-ish (some were already there, having some liquid refreshments!). A great dinner followed, followed by some possibly-inebriated chatter and laughter! Then once again, a somewhat noisy walk back to our motel, disturbing some dogs yet again! The Club staff went above and beyond, chasing us up to report that someone in our group had left an important item behind. Country hospitality and care once again!

Next morning breakfast provided us with another opportunity to do what we do best, eat and natter, then we hit the road again (some had gone their own way by now). Several of us planned to meet for morning tea (eating again!) in Boorowa, which was our final gathering before heading home.