Past Events
November 2018
14 NovHunter
Those who volunteered for the committee, and those just interested to help. Please come along to help format next year's event calendar.
Please RSVP Brian or Lilo for their address.
- Meet
- Brian & LiLo Bonus Home
- Organiser
- Brian or Lilo Bonus , 0424 172 002,
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Come and find out what your RPM friends are about.
- Meet
- Springwood Sports Club,
Macquarie Street, Springwood.
- Organiser
- Brigid Gallop, 0428 114401,
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Come along with your RPM friend for a run through the Southern Highlands to the iconic Kangaroo Valley
- Meet
- Black Cat, White Cat Cafe at Mulgoa previously known as the Peppercorn Cafe
- Organiser
- Ron and Jacqui Quester, 0401 918473,
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11 NovMid North Coast
Please join our members for Coffee and Chat at Waterman's Café Bain Park Wauchope for the best coffee and cake.
- Meet
- Bain Park Wauchope
- Organiser
- Peter McDonnell
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11 NovMotorsport
Join us for a complimentary light meal followed by the annual presentation of trophies and awards to MX-5 Club of NSW drivers in the club championships.
- Meet
- Cafe above main straight pits
Sydney Motorsport Park
Eastern Creek
- Organiser
- Ian Combes, 0433 159 726,
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11 NovCanberra
The ACT Council of Motor Clubs will again hold its annual Marques in the Park at the John Knight Park in Belconnen. The BBQ trailer will be in attendance.
- Meet
- John Knight Memorial Park, Belconnen
- Organiser
- Bob Judd, 0422 386 660,
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11 NovMotorsport
Join us for another of our famous track days at Sydney Motorsport Park Amaroo Circuit (South). This is Round 4 of the 2018/2019 Club Championship.
- Meet
- Sydney Motorsport Park Amaroo Circuit (South)
- Assistant
- Ian Combes, 0433 159 726,
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10 NovSydney
Join us for a monthly run to Robertson where we meet up with our friends in the Illawarra Chapter. Who needs excuses to go for a drive up Macquarie Pass and enjoy a big breakfast at Moon Acre Cafe? It's on the second Saturday of every month.
- Meet
- Heathcote McDonald's
- Organiser
- Bryan Hicks, 0407 225 064,
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10 NovIllawarra
Join other members for an informal chat and coffee in beautiful Robertson on the second Saturday of every month.
- Meet
- Moonacres Kitchen in Robertson, near the tractor place, corner of Illawarra Hwy and Meryla St
- Organiser
- Phil Reid, 0417 260 766,
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09 NovBreakFast Club
On the road for a huge rush, another bucket list event!
- Duration
- 3 days (09 November - 11 November)
- Organiser
- Peter Battison, 0417 269 325,
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08 NovHunter
This is the Hunter Chapter's monthly club meeting. Find out about what's been happening lately in the Chapter and club as a whole as well as upcoming events, general MX-5 information and club discussions.
- Meet
- Club Macquarie 458 Lake Road, Argenton NSW 2284
- Organiser
- Barry & Jenny Luttrell, 02 4975 2742,
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Join the Hendos on their run to the old Copeland gold mine! A beautiful drive up to Copeland through Stroud, Gloucester and Barrington.
- Meet
- Thornton MacDonald's - Cnr New England Hwy and Thornton Road
Park near hwy
- Organiser
- Dennis & Dianne Henderson, 0410498177,
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Join us for a coffee & pie at the famous Pie in the Sky on the Old Pacific Hwy Cowan, on the first Sunday each month.
- Meet
- Pie in the Sky Cowan
- Organiser
- Bryan Hicks, 0407 225 064,
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03 NovMotorsport
The Australian Supersprint Championship for 2018 will be held over two days on Saturday 3 November and Sunday 4 November at Wakefield Park, organised by NSWRRC.
- Duration
- 2 days (03 November - 04 November)
- Meet
- Wakefield Park
- Organiser
- Ian Combes, 0433 159 726,
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03 NovCanberra
Please join us for Coffee & Lies from 10:00 AM.It’s a chance to meet other club members just for a chat, or over coffee/tea and/or breakfast. New members, old members, prospective members, and curious non‑members are all welcome.
- Meet
- The Deck at Regatta Point, Barrine Drive, Parkes ACT
- Organiser
- James & Giulia Schiemer, 0412 251 156,
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01 NovIllawarra
Our monthly meeting is the best way of keeping up with all that is happening in the Illawarra ... come along and be MX5'd!
- Meet
- Figgy Bowlo, 120 The Avenue, Figtree
- Organiser
- Greg Tunks, 0410 662 378,
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October 2018
Join us for a social chat from 10:00am.
- Meet
- Hippo Espresso
468 The Esplanade,
Warnersbay, NSW
- Organiser
- Chris Cameron, 4931 9388,
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27 OctMid North Coast
Please join us for a weekend at Walcha and surrounding area and visiting wineries.
- Duration
- 2 days (27 October - 28 October)
- Meet
- BP Service Centre 'Maccas' Port Macquarie.
- Organiser
- Peter McDonnell, 0417575454,
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27 OctSydney
Cootamundra is the birthplace of the great Donald Bradman. Come on an interesting weekend past the Blue Mountains, through Bathurst, Cowra and Young to Cootamundra.
- Duration
- 2 days (27 October - 28 October)
- Meet
- Truck stop on M4 McDonalds on side heading west
- Organiser
- Bryan Hicks, 0407225064,
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Our third of three hillcimbs this year. Come and have a go!
- Meet
- Ringwood Park, Italia Rd, Balickera
- Organiser
- Andrew Digney, 0412 213 990,
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21 OctMid North Coast
Please join our members at the 'Rivermark' Café for Coffee and Chat. Sunday the 21st October at 10am.
- Meet
- 261 Hastings River Drive. Port Macquarie.
- Organiser
- Graham Rochester, 0414846218,
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Grab your walking shoes - Spring has sprung and we are off to revisit the beautiful Mayfield Gardens at Oberon. We will be joining with the Illawarra Chapter for the event.
- Meet
- Glenbrook Cinema Carpark off Ross Street, or at the
-. Hydro Majestic 7.30am for 7.45am leave,. We will not be stopping
Secondary Pickup at Hartley at 8.15am for 8.45 leave.
- Organiser
- Gillian and Graham Fletcher, 0438 782 419,
- Assistant
- Graham Fletcher, as above
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21 OctCanberra
Club VeeDub Canberra would like to invite all car lovers to join them on a social run to Corrigans Beach at Batemans Bay to enjoy the Rotary Markets and some great fish and chips at Bernie’s Seafoods.
No entry fee but we will be shaking the bucket for a donation to SOLDIER ON.
- Meet
- Old Parliament House
- Organiser
- Club VeeDub, David Cook, 0400 657 908
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20 OctSydney
This month's Southern Run for the Sydney Chapter will start at Loftus Oval and take all the twisty bits through the national park to Stanwell Park. After that to Kiama, where we will have a great meal at Mystics Bistro (Kiama Golf Club) looking out over the Minnamurra rive
- Meet
- Loftus Oval car park
- Organiser
- Bryan Hicks, 0407 225 064,
More Info
20 OctHunter
Toast the day with a glass of bubbly while enjoying the view of the Hunter Valley from the Trig point at Eaglereach Resort.
- Meet
- MacDonald's
Thornton Super Center
Cnr New England Hwy & Thornton Rd
- Organiser
- Andrew Digney, 0412 213 990,
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