Past Events
December 2018
Join Chris on a run to the last favourite cafe of the year, from around the Hunter and the coast. Vote on your favourite to go in the draw for a club cap, beanie or scarf.
- Meet
- McDonald's - Hexham - 23 Maitland Rd, Hexham
- Organiser
- Christine Cameron, 0249319388,
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15 DecSydney
This is a great run down Mulgoa Rd through Wallacia, Werombi, The Oaks, to Bowral where we will have a delicious lunch at Bowral Brasserie
- Meet
- Eastern Creek Red Rooster car park on the M4 West
- Organiser
- Bryan Hicks, 0407225064,
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15 DecCanberra
Come join us at the final event of the calendar year to combine a convivial Christmas Lunch with Chapter Presentations, including Canberra Member of the Year and Canberra Motorsport Member of the Year.
- Meet
- Yowani Country Club, Northbourne Avenue, Lyneham ACT
- Organiser
- James & Giulia Schiemer, 0428 777 231
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13 DecHunter
This is the Hunter Chapter's monthly club meeting. Find out about what's been happening lately in the Chapter and club as a whole as well as upcoming events, general MX-5 information and club discussions.
- Meet
- Club Macquarie 458 Lake Road, Argenton NSW 2284
- Organiser
- Barry & Jenny Luttrell, 02 4975 2742,
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12 DecSydney
This used to be a once a month event that took place every second Wednesday of the month. Venue to be discontinued in 2019
- Meet
- Ryde Eastwood Leagues Club, Palm Court Bistro
This venue will be discontinued in 2019 due to the number of members now residing in this area. We will be discussing a new venue and will notify members soon.
- Organiser
- Vicki and Andy Bottomley, 0407 066 318,
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Come and find out what your RPM friends are about.
- Meet
- Springwood Sports Club,
Macquarie Street, Springwood.
- Organiser
- Brigid Gallop, 0428 114401,
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Entries now closed. Our Christmas gathering with a lovely BBQ lunch at Australian Motorlife Museum, and then the presentation of our annual Illawarra Chapter awards.
- Meet
- Australian Motorlife Museum, 94 Darkes Road, Kembla Grange
- Organiser
- Kim Williams & Greg Tunks, 0411 045 235 & 0410 662 378,
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Come join the Hunter Chapter and celebrate xmas MX5 style
- Meet
- Boolaroo Bowling Club
31 Eighth St, Speers Point
- Organiser
- Elaine Gazzard, 0414 431817
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08 DecSydney
Join us for a monthly run to Robertson where we meet up with our friends in the Illawarra Chapter. Who needs excuses to go for a drive up Macquarie Pass and enjoy a big breakfast at Moon Acre Cafe? It's on the second Saturday of every month.
- Meet
- Heathcote McDonald's
- Organiser
- Bryan Hicks, 0407 225 064,
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08 DecIllawarra
Join other members for an informal chat and coffee in beautiful Robertson on the second Saturday of every month.
- Meet
- Moonacres Kitchen in Robertson, near the tractor place, corner of Illawarra Hwy and Meryla St
- Organiser
- Phil Reid, 0417 260 766,
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06 DecIllawarra
Our monthly meeting is the best way of keeping up with all that is happening in the Illawarra ... come along and be MX-5d!
- Meet
- Figgy Bowlo, 120 The Avenue, Figtree
- Organiser
- Jeff & Pam Rowe, 0419 405 877,
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Join the Hunter Chapter for a short run to our destination at Cowan for Coffee and Lies at Pie in the Sky. The pies are fantastic and the socialising is even better! Catch up with your fellow club members and say hello to new faces.
- Meet
- Ourimbah - Lisarow RSL Club Carpark
Cnr Pacific Highway and Dog Trap Road, Ourimbah
- Organiser
- Brian Bracken, 0414 208 504,
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Join us for a coffee & pie at the famous Pie in the Sky on the Old Pacific Hwy Cowan, on the first Sunday each month.
- Meet
- Pie in the Sky Cowan
- Organiser
- Bryan Hicks, 0407 225 064,
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Join your RPM friend for a run west to the Village of Millthorpe to their Christmas Markets. You just might find the perfect gift as you enjoy a drive along open roads with a expansive view
- Meet
- Behind the Glenbrook Cinema, Parks Lane, Glenbrook
- Organiser
- Sandra Duric, 0404 462361,
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01 DecCanberra
Please join us for Coffee & Lies from 10:00 AM. It’s a chance to meet other club members just for a chat, or over coffee/tea and/or breakfast. New members, old members, prospective members, and curious non‑members are all welcome.
- Meet
- The Deck at Regatta Point, Barrine Drive, Parkes ACT
- Organiser
- James & Giulia Schiemer, 0412 251 156,
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01 DecMid North Coast
Please join our members for Greg's 'Mystery' tour of Port Macquarie and surrounding area, Christmas lunch and MOTY presentation.
- Meet
- Rivermark Café 261 Hastings River Drive Port Macquarie.
- Organiser
- Peter McDonnell,
- Assistant
- Greg Cox, 0402237715,
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November 2018
Bookings are now closed. Join us for the once a year Christmas lunch at the Grand View Hotel in Wentworth Falls.
- Meet
- Red Rooster car park at Eastern Creek truck stop on the M4 on West going side
- Organiser
- Bryan Hicks, 0407 225 064,
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Join Chris on a run to the 4th of her favourite cafes around the Hunter and the coast. Vote on your favourite to go in the draw for a club cap, beanie or scarf.
- Meet
- McDonald's - Charlestown - 109 Pacific Hwy, Charlestown
- Organiser
- Christine Cameron, 0409665049
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21 NovSydney
Woolooware Golf Club. A Southern Sydney social get together for all members and those thinking about joining the club. You are welcome to come along regardless of where you live!
- Meet
- Woolooware Golf Club, Harnleigh Avenue, Woolooware
- Organiser
- Julie Sando & Kim Ranger, 0438 538 837 & 0402 050 758,
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Join us for a drive to Killalea Beach for morning tea and then down the coast for lunch at Gerroa overlooking the spectacular Seven Mile Beach.
- Meet
- Hungry Jack's, Haywards Bay
- Organiser
- Phil Belcher & Bryan Shedden, 0437 812 900,
- Assistant
- Bryan Shedden, 0422 340010,
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18 NovCanberra
Join Patrick for a run to Wee Jasper and home via Yass.
- Meet
- Blamey Square Russell
- Organiser
- Patrick McBride, 0411 524 264,
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17 NovHunter
Join Helen & Grant for a rambling drive through Yarramalong and onto the old Pacific Hwy before arriving at Bobbin Head for lunch.
- Meet
- Morisset McDonalds
Cnr Dora St and Ourimbah St Morisset
- Organiser
- Helen Green & Grant Webber, 0434960800 or 0434961109,
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17 NovMid North Coast
The drive will include the scenic, Long Flat, Yarras, Mount Seaview then to Gingers Creek for morning tea, after morning tea we head to Byabarra for lunch.
- Meet
- Oliver's at the Donut Port Macquarie
- Organiser
- Peter McDonnell, 0417575454,
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Come and have lunch with your RPM friends at one of our favourite spots - Wisemans Ferry
- Meet
- McGrath Hill, McDonalds Carpark, Just off Windsor Road.
- Organiser
- Brigid Gallop, 0428 114401,
- Assistant
- Ron Gallop, as above
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15 NovMotorsport
Challenge Bathurst is an exclusive opportunity to drive your own street car or track racing car on the famous Mount Panorama Racing Circuit in November.
- Duration
- 4 days (15 November - 18 November)
- Meet
- Mount Panorama, Bathurst
- Organiser
- Yeehah Events Pty Ltd
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