Past Events
February 2020
14 FebCanberra
What's better than a few relaxing days at the South Coast? Driving the long way down to Bermagui, this is a weekend for exploring the surrounding areas and enjoying the company of good friends. Sounds Great! NOTE: There has been a cancellation on this run so now we have one spot left (1 car, 2 people). If you’d like to join us, call now!
- Duration
- 4 days (14 February - 17 February)
- Meet
- Gibraltar Street Bungendore, opposite the PoliceStation. (Car park for the Mick Sherd Oval)
- Organiser
- Steve Wakeling, 0416 040 572,
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12 FebSydney
Yes we have moved back to Canada Bay
Come one, come all, for dinner with your friends from Sydney Chapter.
- Meet
- William St Five Dock
Carpark in Bevin St via William St
- Organiser
- Bruce Davies, 0424737155,
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11 FebMid North Coast
Old Bar / Forster Picnic Run
- Meet
- Port Macquarie Service Centre
aka The Donut
Outside Olivers
- Organiser
- Susan & John Little
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11 FebSydney
We have had to change the destination and nothing else. From Mt Colah, we'll head out on the Great Northern road to this unique country tavern at Wollombi. Please RSVP
- Meet
- McDonalds Mt Colah
- Organiser
- Mark Garven, 0406 321 554,
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Come and join RPM for our monthly dinner meeting to catch up with what is happening in the Chapter/Club and to have a good feed and chinwag with friends.
- Meet
- Springwood Sports Club, Macquarie Street, Springwood
- Organiser
- Chris Wyatt, 0428604138,
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09 FebMotorsport
The first 2020 MX-5 Club Driver Training day on the 9th February is open for business!
- Meet
- Pheasant Wood Circuit, Marulan
- Organiser
- MX-5 Club of NSW - Driver Training Team, 0434 960 800,
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09 FebMotorsport
Come for a picnic and have a swim in the ocean at a protected spot on the south coast where the water is crystal clear and the fish are in abundance so you will need your snorkeling gear.
Plan B is lunch at Shellharbour RSL
- Meet
- Loftus Oval carpark, Princes Hwy
- Organiser
- Bryan Hicks, 0407225064,
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08 FebIllawarra
Join other members for an informal chat and coffee in beautiful Robertson on the second Saturday of every month.
- Meet
- Moonacres Kitchen in Robertson, near the tractor place, corner of Illawarra Hwy and Meryla St
- Organiser
- Phil Reid, 0417 260 766,
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07 FebCanberra
The Laggan Pub is a hidden gem, described by someone from the Big Smoke as 'a gr8 little secret hideaway' and someone else as a 'lovely pub ...unique and inviting'. We had such a good day last year that we’re doing it all over again. Join Ron and Maree for a cruise among the wind turbines to bucolic Laggan for a great day out.
- Meet
- Spotlight, 6 Bungendore Rd, Queanbeyan NSW 2620
- Organiser
- Ron Tollenaar, 0433 081 263,
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Our monthly meeting is the best way of keeping up with all that is happening in the Illawarra ... come along and be MX-5d!
- Meet
- Figgy Bowlo, 120 The Avenue, Figtree
- Organiser
- Jeff & Pam Rowe, 0419 405 877,
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05 FebSydney
Come and join your MX5 friends during the week and have a good dinner and chin wag. This is always on the first Wed of the month, so put it in your diary.
- Meet
- Hornsby RSL Club
4 High St
- Organiser
- John Anderson, 04818 70 88 06,
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This is the second dinner here for the year. Come and join us at the fabulous Club Rivers every first Wednesday of the month
- Meet
- Club Rivers
Malt Barrel Char & Bar
32 Littleton St
- Organiser
- Bryan Hicks, 0407225064,
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04 FebSouth Coast
Join us for our regular monthly coffee meeting at Milton
- Meet
- Annabels Café, Milton. Located next to carpark behind Milton Theatre.
- Organiser
- Brian & Anda Clayton, 0418225749,
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Meet at Pie in the Sky on a Sunday morning.
Come and enjoy a relaxing coffee and pie under the sky with other members who will enjoy your company
- Meet
- Pie in the Sky
1296 Pacific Hwy
- Organiser
- Bob Lipa, 0414 327 187,
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Join the Hunter Chapter for a short run to our destination at Cowan for Coffee and Lies at Pie in the Sky. The pies are fantastic and the socialising is even better! Catch up with your fellow club members and say hello to new faces.
- Meet
- Ourimbah - Lisarow RSL Club Carpark
Cnr Pacific Highway and Dog Trap Road, Ourimbah
- Organiser
- Brian Bracken, 0414 208 504,
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02 FebMid North Coast
Coffee and Chat at Rivermark Cafe
- Meet
- Rivermark Cafe
Hastings River Drive
Port Macquarie
- Organiser
- Peter McDonnell, 0417575454,
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This run was originally scheduled for 4 January but was cancelled due to the bushfire threat. While some homes were lost in Kangaroo Valley, thankfully, the central part of town and the pub escaped damage. They are very keen to see us return. If you registered for the original run, you will need to book again.
- Meet
- Hungry Jack's, Haywards Bay
- Organiser
- Bryan Shedden, 0422 340010 ,
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01 FebCanberra
Please join us for Coffee & Lies from 10:00 AM. It’s a chance to meet other club members just for a chat, or over coffee/tea and/or breakfast. New members, old members, prospective members, and curious non‑members are all welcome.
- Meet
- Poppy’s Cafe, Australian War Memorial, Campbell ACT
- Organiser
- James & Giulia Schiemer, 0412 251 156,
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January 2020
29 JanCanberra
We’re doing out bit to help support the Braidwood and Bungendore businesses impacted by the recent fires. Our mid-week run to Bungendore and Braidwood for coffee, shopping and lunch may be only a small gesture, but every little bit helps! Thank you for those who have registered - we are now fully booked and cannot accept further registrations.
- Meet
- The Big Green Cup, 23 Malbon St (Kings Highway), Bungendore
(the cafe is in back corner of the Village Square, cnr Ellendon St, Bungendore (diagonally opposite Woodworks Cafe).
- Organiser
- James & Giulia Schiemer, 0412 251 156 or 0428 777 231,
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26 JanSouth Coast
Decorate yourself or your car in national identity icons and come along to enjoy the day.
- Meet
- Heritage Bakery, Princes Highway, Milton
- Organiser
- Anda Clayton, 0419225749,
- Assistant
- Brian Clayton, 0466790856,
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THIS RUN IS CANCELLED! We can't make it so join the North Sydney run from the M4 or head down to Figtree and meet up with Illawarra Chapter for the run to the picnic
- Organiser
- Bryan Hicks, 0407225064,
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Brian will be wandering his way around the lake by back roads to eventually arrive at East Maitland in time to join our Aussie Day celebrations and Convenors lunch.
- Meet
- McDonald's Swansea
Wood St, Swansea
- Organiser
- Brian Bracken, 0414 208504,
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Let's celebrate Australia day 2020 with the Hunter Convenor's Lunch
This is a fully subsidised event for members so please RSVP by 12th January ($15 for non members)
- Meet
- 75 Morpeth Road,
East Maitland - (See parking information)
- Organiser
- Rob Emmett, 0407 469675,
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Come and join us on our annual BYO Australia Day Picnic and BBQ lunch.
- Meet
- Cordeaux Dam
- Organiser
- Jeff & Pam Rowe, 0419 405877,
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