Past Events
November 2023
The Classic Car & Bike Show at Willinga Park, is an event with a different type of horsepower. In partnership with Bawley Point Classic Car and Bike Club, we invite car exhibitors and spectators to spend a day at Willinga Park raising money for the Cancer Council.
- Meet
- Heritage Bakery
197-201 Princes Hwy, Milton NSW 2538
- Organiser
- Rose Smith, 0417 292 737,
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12 NovCanberra
Come and join a display of our cars, talk to people about our cars and our club, and check out other (less famous) marques in the park.
- Meet
- Deakin Soccer Fields
- Organiser
- Bob Judd, 0422 386 660,
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11 NovMotorsport
This motorkhana day is ideal for drivers who are inexperienced in car control to provide them with a fun set of motorkhana style challenges to test and develop their skills, as well as offering some tricky bits for more experienced drivers. It is part of a 3 event MX-5 Club motorkhana championship series in 2023.
- Meet
- SMSP Skidpan
- Assistant
- Gaynor Lawler, 0418972258,
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Our November brunch meeting will be at a new venue in Robertson, the Robertson Cheese Factory, 107 Hoddle Street (Illawarra Highway), Robertson.
The Robertson Cheese Factory was established in 1936, relying on supplies from local farmers.
- Meet
- Hungry Jacks, Haywards Bay
- Organiser
- Phil Reid, 0417 260 766,
- Assistant
- Kerry Smith , 0418 477 507
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Supersprints are the next logical step for those experienced at MX-5 Club track days who want to broaden their horizons.
This is Round 6 of the 2023 NSW Supersprint Championship.
- Meet
- SMSP GP/Gardner Circuit
- Organiser
- David Lawler, 0403 070 644,
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Join us for our November Monthly Meeting to get updates on our upcoming 2023 events.
- Meet
- Argenton Hotel, 515 Lake Road, Argenton NSW 2284
- Organiser
- Elaine & David Gazzard, 0414431817
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08 NovClub
Our committee meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month via virtual online streaming using Zoom.
- Meet
- Online via Zoom
- Organiser
- Phil Donnelley, 0419 253 014,
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Have some time out in the middle of the week with your mates from the MX5 Club who live in your area. This is now on the second Wed of the month.
- Meet
- West Pennant Hills Sports Club
New Line Rd
West Pennant Hills
- Organiser
- Andy Bottomley, 0488998510,
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Come join us on a day that stops the nation Melbourne Cup at Wangi Workers Club.
- Meet
- Wangi Wangi Workers Club, 11 – 19 Market Street, Wangi Wangi
- Organiser
- Felicity Harnden, 0418470300,
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A lovely midweek run through the lower Blue Mountains and the Hawksbury to a favourite destination.
- Meet
- Carpark at Glenbrook Cinema,
Ross Street, Glenbrook
- Organiser
- Ron Quester, 0401918473,
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Come one, come all. Members from anywhere are invited to join us for dinner with your friends from Sydney Chapter.
- Meet
- Massey Park Golf Club
Ian Pde
- Organiser
- Natalie Davies, 405109779,
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Come and join RPM for our monthly dinner meeting to catch up with what is happening in the Chapter/Club and to have a good feed and chinwag with friends.
- Meet
- Springwood Sports Club
83 Macquarie Road Springwood.
- Organiser
- Chris Wyatt, 0428604138,
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MX-5 Club members are invited to a NSW 86/BRZ Club events this Sunday at Luddenham Raceway
- Meet
- Luddenham Raceway
- Assistant
- David Lawler, 0403 070 644,
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Pie in the Sky is a very successful meeting place for members who like a drive on a Sunday morning. There you can enjoy the company of members from all over Sydney and beyond, and have a coffee and a feed.
- Meet
- Pie In The Sky
1269 Pacific Hwy
- Organiser
- Andy Bottomley, 0488998510,
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04 NovCanberra
Join us for Coffee & Lies from 10:00 AM. It’s a chance to meet other club members just for a chat, or over coffee/tea and/or breakfast. New members, old members, prospective members, and curious non‑members are all welcome.
- Meet
- Poppy’s Cafe, Australian War Memorial, Campbell ACT
- Organiser
- Rod & Maryanne Nicholas, 0419 436 296,
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Our monthly meeting is the best way of keeping up with all that is happening in the Illawarra You must book! Please utilise the Google booking form below or the 'Book now' button to indicate attendance. Come along and be MX-5d!
- Meet
- Figgy Bowlo, 120 The Avenue, Figtree
- Organiser
- Senia and Bob Gaunson, 0403158708,
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October 2023
31 OctCanberra
Peter Wilson will take us on a great short run; a leisurely cruise to the Boorowa Courthouse Hotel (12 Marsden St Boorowa) for a relaxed lunch.
- Meet
- Daughters of Hall, Victoria Street, Hall
- Organiser
- Peter Wilson
- Assistant
- Mike Lawless, 0412 093 151,
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31 OctSouth Coast
Join us for our regular monthly coffee meeting. Following the meeting we will have a sausage sizzle on the BBQ in the park
- Meet
- Rotary Park, Princes Hwy, Ulladulla
- Organiser
- Rose Smith, 0418 631 598 ,
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Come join in on a very social BBQ Lunch Cruise on the water ways of Port Stevens.
- Meet
- Departing 54 Cook Parade, Lemon Tree Passage
- Organiser
- Felicity Harnden, 0418470300
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Need for Speed? Come and join Kerry for another fun day Go Karting.
- Meet
- Maccas Figtree 22 Princes Highway, Figtree New South Wales 2525
- Organiser
- Kerry Smith, 0418477507,
- Assistant
- Kerry Smith , 0418 477 507
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Join us for the Club's Annual General Meeting. This is your opportunity to hear what has been happening in the management of your club and to have your say in it's future. Download the Agenda, 2022 AGM Minutes, Committee nomination form, proxy form AND register to attend or advise an apology.
- Meet
- Ryde-Eastwood Leagues Club, 117 Ryedale Rd, West Ryde
- Organiser
- Phil Donnelley, 0419 253 014,
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Join us for a run through Minnamurra and over the mountain to Jamberoo for a pub lunch
- Meet
- United Petroleum, Princess Highway Tomerong (The Log Cabin)
- Organiser
- Bob and Linda Downing, 0416082736,
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As the name suggests we are off to the Hunter Wineries traveling on some nice cruisy roads for lunch at a great pub.
- Meet
- McDonalds
Pacific Hwy
Mt Colah
- Organiser
- Steve Eccleston, 438524120,
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21 OctCanberra
Enjoy the wonderful food and scenery of Bendooley Estate and Red Cow Farm.
- Meet
- Dickson College Carpark
Phillip Avenue
- Organiser
- Brett Goyne, 0423 089 429,
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