Past Events
November 2013
Monthly dinner meeting for RPM area members and other interested MX-5 Club members. Not an MX-5 Club member? No problem. Join us to find out more about the Club and how to get more from your MX-5.
- Meet
- Springwood Sports Club, 83 Macquarie Road, Springwood
- Organiser
- Lesa Bunn, 0423 276 152,
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19 NovSydney
This is a regular get together for members in the areas surrounding the centre of Sydney. Come and join like minded members of the MX-5 Club.
- Meet
- Commodore Hotel, Blues Point Road McMahons Point
- Organiser
- Guy Coles, 0419 914 443,
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17 NovHunter
The November run for Hunter Chapter will be into the various national parks of the Central Coast and onto Wisemans Ferry for lunch. You will drive on some of the best roads along with nice mountain views and historical sites.
- Meet
- BP Beresfield Kinta Drive Beresfield NSW Northern end of F3
- Assistant
- Phil Mayo, 0420 855 948,
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Here is your chance to get your wheel alignment sorted for $77.00 and learn a thing or two about your brakes, tyres and suspension at the open tech talk by Spinning Wheel specialists.
- Meet
- Spinning Wheel Tyres, corner Bourke Street & McEvoy Streets, Waterloo, NSW, 2017
- Organiser
- Michael Soulos, 0413 11 33 99,
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10 NovBreakFast Club
A brisk early run, through the roads less travelled to Shoal Bay and back
- Meet
- McDonalds, Mt Colah - Old Pacific Highway Mt Colah
- Assistant
- Chris Rhodes, 0400 246 515,
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10 NovCanberra
09 NovCanberra
Join the group for an enjoyable and scenic weekend drive along the south coast. We will travel via Batemans Bay, Bermagui and Merimbula and home via Bombala and Cooma on the Sunday.
- Duration
- 2 days (09 November - 10 November)
- Meet
- Blamey Square at Russell
- Organiser
- Norm and Roz Barker,
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A few of our MX-5 Club supersprinters are headed to Phillip Island to compete in the Supersprint Nationals. Good luck!
- Duration
- 2 days (09 November - 10 November)
- Meet
- Phillip Island Grand Prix Circuit
- Organiser
- Matt Balcombe, 0438 826 415,
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09 NovMid North Coast
Our next run for the Mid North Coast Chapter will be to South West Rocks, starting from Rivermark Cafe in Port Macquarie.
- Meet
- Rivermark Cafe, Hastings River Drive, Port Macquarie
- Organiser
- Peter Rodgers, 0422 237 588,
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07 NovIllawarra
Join us for a casual dinner (great schnitzels) and a chat about what is happening in the Illawarra Chapter.
- Meet
- Figtree RSL Bowling Club, 120 The Avenue Figtree
- Organiser
- Peter Feutrill, 0409 453 322,
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06 NovSydney
A mid week run to Balmoral Beach for fish and chips
- Meet
- Under the Harbour Bridge in the car park at the bottom of Broughton Street Kirribilli
- Organiser
- Guy Coles, 0419 914 443,
- Assistant
- Adam Walker, 0403 161 544,
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03 NovMotorsport
Join us for another of our famous track days at Wakefield Park. This round will see the Victorians join us for the annual Interstate Challenge.
- Meet
- Wakefield Park, Goulburn
- Organiser
- Zan Menzel, 6558 4190,
- Assistant
- Mike Hicks, 0419 201 588,
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02 NovSydney
Join us for a coffee & pie at the famous Pie in the Sky on Old Pacific Hwy Cowan on the first Saturday of every month.
- Meet
- Pie in the Sky, Cowan
- Organiser
- Guy Coles, 0419 914 443,
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02 NovCanberra
Come along and meet other club members and have coffee or breakfast or just a chat. New members, old members, prospective members, and curious non members are all welcome.
- Meet
- Australian War Memorial Terrace Café
- Organiser
- Bob Judd or Bricet Klören, 02 6258 4616,
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02 NovMotorsport
All of our NSW & ACT motorsport competitors and officials are invited to join the visiting Victorians for dinner on Saturday night at the Goulburn Soldiers Club.
- Meet
- Goulburn Soldiers Club, 15 Market St, Goulburn
- Organiser
- Mike Hicks, 0419 201 588,
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02 NovCanberra
Come along and watch the movie RUSH, a biographical sports drama film directed by Ron Howard and written by Peter Morgan about the 1976 Formula One season and the rivalry between drivers James Hunt and Niki Lauda.
- Meet
- Glenbrook Theatre, off Ross Street Glenbrook (Cnr Gt Western Highway)
- Organiser
- Lesa Bunn, 0423 276 152,
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October 2013
It will be a day not to be missed of learning about your MX-5 in the Hunter.
- Meet
- Please contact Phil for details
- Organiser
- Phil Mayo, 0420 855 948,
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Join us for a Cruiser style run and picnic lunch in the grounds. The Garden is only open a few times of year so this is an opportunity not to be missed.
- Meet
- Lower Mountains: Glenbrook Tourist Information Centre, Hamment Place Glenbrook; Upper Mountains: Hydro Majestic, Medlow Bath
- Organiser
- Lesa Bunn, 0423 276 152,
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26 OctSydney
The CWT should see the Sydney Chapter and BreakFast Club catch fields of golden canola in the Central West. The Sydney Chapter Run is a shorter and more relaxed H graded convoy run on some of the roads driven by the BreakFast Club over two days.
- Duration
- 2 days (26 October - 27 October)
- Meet
- NOW McDonalds Mt Colah - decision will be made as to route on the day subject to fires status and road closures
Was: McDonalds Richmond, corner Market and March Streets Richmond next to Richmond Rail
- Organiser
- Guy Coles, 0419 914 443,
- Assistant
- To Be Confirmed
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26 OctBreakFast Club
The CWT should see the BreakFast Club and Sydney Chapter catch fields of golden canola in the Central West. The BreakFast Club Run is not a relaxed cruise over 2 or 3 long days of driving but an XH graded waypoint run for MX-5 enthusiasts.
- Duration
- 2 days (26 October - 27 October)
- Meet
- NOW : McDonalds Mt Colah a decision will be made on whether to proceed and how due to the fires and road closures
Was: McDonalds McGraths Hill corner Windsor Road & Groves AvenueMcGraths Hill
- Organiser
- Michael Soulos, 0413 11 33 99,
- Assistant
- The participants
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23 OctClub
Join us for the Club's Annual General Meeting and Awards Presentation.
- Meet
- ARDC Garage Cafe, Sydney Motorsport Park
- Organiser
- Mark Garven, 0406 321 554,
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19 OctIllawarra
A run down to Braidwood with an overnight stay - no whales in sight!
- Duration
- 2 days (19 October - 20 October)
- Meet
- Hungry Jacks Haywards Bay
- Organiser
- Neil Tribe, 0414 471 314,
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17 OctSydney
A social dinner is being organised for the third Wednesday of each month, for anyone who wishes to attend. This month it's THURSDAY night because the kitchen will be closed Wednesday.
- Meet
- Gymea Tradies
57 Manchester Road North, Gymea
- Organiser
- Kim Ranger & Julie Sando, 0402 050 758 or 0438 538 837
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