Past Events
March 2014
29 MarCanberra
Our fellow MX-5 enthusiasts from the Illawarra are touring our region over the weekend of 29/30 March and have invited us to come for a run with them on the Sunday. On the Saturday night they will be staying at the Carrington at Bungendore and have invited those interested to dine with them at the Woodworks Café across the road.
- Duration
- 2 days (29 March - 30 March)
- Organiser
- Ian Bottcher,
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29 MarIllawarra
NOTE THE DATE CHANGE! Day 1- A run through the highlands to Bungendore for dinner and overnight stay. Day 2 - a run via some roads less travelled back to Goulburn.
- Duration
- 2 days (29 March - 30 March)
- Meet
- Hungry Jacks at Haywards Bay
- Organiser
- Peter Feutrill, 0409453322,
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26 MarSydney
This is a new regular event for MX-5 Club members to come together for dinner and a chat. It is held on the fourth Wednesday of each month.
- Meet
- Dural Country Club, Old Northern Road, Dural
- Organiser
- Pam Estreich, 0459 253 272,
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Join Bruce on his Birthday Bash for a country drive in the hunter.
- Meet
- BP Beresfield Kinta Drive Beresfield. Northern end of M1 (F3)
- Organiser
- Bruce Bettinson,
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23 MarMotorsport
2014 Interstate Challenge is included in the MX-5 Club of NSW track day championship, and will also see the NSW club defending the title taken from the Victorians last year.
- Meet
- Winton Raceway, Winton, Vic
- Assistant
- David Lawler,
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22 MarIllawarra
Come and learn restoration tips and tricks from one of the experts - Graham Lord, British car and Jaguar specialist. Then enjoy a drive via Macquarie Pass for lunch at Burrawang Pub.
- Meet
- 37 Kingsford St, Fairy Meadow, NSW
- Organiser
- Phil Reid, 0417 260 766,
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18 MarSydney
This is a regular get together for members in the areas surrounding the centre of Sydney. Come and join like minded members of the MX-5 Club.
- Meet
- Commodore Hotel, Blues Point Road McMahons Point
- Organiser
- Guy Coles, 0419 914 443,
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Monthly dinner meeting for RPM area members and other interested MX-5 Club members.
Not an MX-5 Club member? No problem, join us to find out more about the Club and how to get more from your MX-5.
- Meet
- Springwood Sports Club, 83 Macquarie Road Springwood
- Organiser
- Lesa Bunn, 0423276152,
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Club Motorkhana Practice day at Sydney Motor Sport Park on 16 March, for developing skills and having fun.
- Meet
- Sydney Motor Sport Park Skid Pan
- Organiser
- David Lawler, 0403 070 644,
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16 MarCanberra
This is our once-a-year chance to spruce up the pride and joy and bring her along to the Shannon’s Wheels Exhibition and join the thousand or more other Canberra vehicles for the Council of ACT Motor Clubs annual charity day.
- Meet
- Kings Park – near the Carillion
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15 MarBreakFast Club
Join the BreakFast Club on the first of a series of Saturday Runs up around the Hawkesbury
- Meet
- MEET POINT 1: McDonalds Waitara, 140 Pacific Highway Waitara; MEET POINT 2: In Galston Road at the intersection with Old Northern Road, Dural
- Organiser
- Michael Soulos, 0413 113 399,
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09 MarIllawarra
Enjoy a run with RPM Chapter and others or just join them at Jamberoo Pub for lunch.
- Meet
- 1) Oran Park Town Cafe, 5 Peter Brock Drive, Oran Park Town; 2) 7-Eleven, Hume Hwy, Pheasants Nest
- Organiser
- Lesa Bunn, 0423276152,
- Assistant
- Paul Williams
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Enjoy a run with RPM Chapter and others or just join them at Jamberoo Pub for lunch.
- Meet
- 1) Oran Park Town Cafe, 5 Peter Brock Drive, Oran Park Town; 2) 7-Eleven, Hume Hwy, Pheasants Nest
- Organiser
- Lesa Bunn, 0423276152,
- Assistant
- Paul Williams
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Before the weather starts to turn cool join us for a fabulous tops down day through the Macarthur and Southern Highlands areas followed by lunch at Jamberoo Pub.
- Meet
- Glenbrook Park, off Ross St Glenbrook
- Organiser
- Lesa Bunn, 0423276152,
- Assistant
- Paul Williams
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06 MarIllawarra
01 MarMotorsport
- Duration
- 2 days (01 March - 02 March)
- Meet
- Wakefield Park Raceway, Goulburn NSW
- Organiser
- Craig Durrant, 0411 234 794
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01 MarSydney
Join us for a coffee & pie at the famous Pie in the Sky on Old Pacific Hwy Cowan on the first Saturday of every month.
- Meet
- Pie in the Sky, Cowan
- Organiser
- Guy Coles, 0419 914 443,
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01 MarCanberra
Please join us for Coffee & Lies from 10:00 am. It’s a chance to meet other club members and have coffee or breakfast or just a chat. New members, old members, prospective members, and curious non‑members are all welcome.
- Meet
- The Terrace Café at the Australian War Memorial
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February 2014
26 FebSydney
This is a new regular event for MX-5 Club members to come together for dinner and a chat. It is held on the fourth Wednesday of each month.
- Meet
- Dural Country Club, Old Northern Road, Dural
- Organiser
- Pam Estreich, 0459 253 272,
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23 FebBreakFast Club
23 FebIllawarra
Run through the hills to Mountain Ridge Wines and enjoy the winding roads of the Shoalhaven.
- Meet
- Hungry Jacks, Haywards Bay
- Organiser
- Tony Heathwood, 0409 455 682,
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Time to prove to your MX-5 mates that, I ain't afraid of no ghosts and join the MX-5 Ghostbuster night tour of one of the most haunted sites in Australia
- Meet
- 1 North Head Scenic Drive, North Head Manly. (Quarantine Station Entry)
- Organiser
- Lesa Bunn, 0423 276 152,
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22 FebSydney
Come and experience a ghostly tour of the North Head Quarantine Station with the RPM Chapter
- Meet
- Meet at the Quarantine Station on North Head (through Manly)
- Organiser
- Lesa Bunn,
- Assistant
- Guy Coles, 0419 914 443,
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19 FebCanberra
Join fellow members in the bistro of the Southern Cross Club Yacht Club at Yarralumla every third Wednesday of the month – this is NOT a meeting, it is just a monthly social gathering of like-minded MX-5 enthusiasts and their friends enjoying each other’s company in the relaxed atmosphere of the veranda overlooking beautiful Lake Burley Griffin.
- Meet
- Canberra Southern Cross Club Yacht Club
- Organiser
- Ed Cory,
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18 FebSydney
This is a regular get together for members in the areas surrounding the centre of Sydney. Come and join like minded members of the MX-5 Club.
- Meet
- Commodore Hotel, Blues Point Road McMahons Point
- Organiser
- Guy Coles, 0419 914 443,
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