Past Events
November 2016
05 NovIllawarra
05 NovCanberra
Please join us for Coffee & Lies from 10:00 am. It’s a chance to meet other club members and have coffee or breakfast or just a chat. New members, old members, prospective members, and curious non‑members are all welcome.
- Meet
- NEW VENUE for 2016! The Deck at Regatta Point, Barrine Drive, Parkes ACT
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03 NovIllawarra
Come to our next dinner meeting to find out about our future events. Hear reports on recent club events, find out more about MX-5s, and generally meet likeminded people!
- Meet
- Figgy Bowlo, 120 The Avenue, Figtree
- Organiser
- Jan & Garry Gibson, 0458 715 000,
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October 2016
30 OctCanberra
Show your MX-5 at the annual event with the Council of ACT Motor Clubs.
- Meet
- John Knight Memorial Park, Belconnen
- Organiser
- Norm Barker, 0409 604 041,
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Come and support your Chapter finalists in the hotly contested MX-5 Club Jinba Ittai Go-Kart Challenge 2016. Which Chapter will walk away with the Trophy?
- Meet
- Picton Karting Track, 200 Picton Rd, Maldon
- Organiser
- Jan & Garry Gibson, 0458 715 000,
- Assistant
- Refer Chapter Convenors
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29 OctBreakFast Club
Spitfires, Jetboats, Kangaroos and MX-5 Cars, join the members of the BreakFast Club for a thrilling weekend waypoint road trip through the bush to Temora sticking to the back roads away from the highways and culminating in a photo op for you & your car with a Spitfire and watching the finals of the Australian V8 Superboat Championship. This run will be over back roads favoured by the BreakFast Club south of the GWH on Saturday and north of the Hume highway on Sunday. This run is a fantastic weekend road trip on challenging roads with the opportunity to do something you have never done before or may not get the chance to do again. See more info.
- Duration
- 2 days (29 October - 30 October)
- Meet
- McDonalds in the Eastern Creek M4 West Service Centre
- Organiser
- Michael Soulos & Glenn Sheehan, 0413 11 33 99,
- Assistant
- Glenn Sheehan, 0409 660 917
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23 OctMotorsport
The MX-5 Cup is a race series open to all MX-5 club members, and is intended as a safe and fun competition, particularly suitable as the first racing experience for drivers coming from track days or supersprints.
- Meet
- Sydney Motor Sport Park
South Circuit
- Assistant
- Steve Green, 0400 497 536,
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22 OctCanberra
A 2 day run to Eden to spot the whales
- Duration
- 2 days (22 October - 23 October)
- Organiser
- Matt Shepherdson
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Grab you walking shoes - Spring has Sprung. Join us for a run to the beautiful Mayfield Gardens at Oberon
- Meet
- Glenbrook (Cinema Carpark off Ross St Glenbrook)
- Organiser
- Gillian Fletcher, 0438782419,
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22 OctMid North Coast
Join us as we travel North to Taylor’s Arm for lunch at the 'Pub with no Beer".
- Meet
- Rivermark Cafe, Hastings River Drive, Port Macquarie
- Organiser
- Cath & Wayne Lang , 0431 450 960 / 0403 425 558,
- Assistant
- Wayne Lang & Greg Cox, 0431 450 960 / 0403 425 558,
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Join us for the Club's Annual General Meeting and Awards Presentation. Motorsport Awards will be presented to the winners of the track day and motorkhana competition winners. Membership Tenure Awards will be presented to those members who have reached the milestones of 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 years of continuous membership.
- Meet
- Ryde-Eastwood Leagues Club, 117 Ryedale Road, West Ryde
- Organiser
- Wesley Hill, 0422 035 893,
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20 OctHunter
Join Kaos Kurri on another mid week adventure beginning at Beresfield and heading to Nabiac via Stroud, Gloucester, and Kramback.
- Meet
- Beresfield Hungry Jacks, John Renshaw Drive, Beresfield
- Organiser
- Kaos Kurri, 0407313611 (please SMS),
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18 OctSydney
This is a regular get together on the third Tuesday of the month for members in the areas surrounding the centre of Sydney. Come and join like minded members of the MX-5 Club.
- Meet
- Commodore Hotel, Blues Point Road McMahons Point
- Organiser
- Guy Coles, 0419 914 443,
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If you are attending the Hunter Chapter's 10th Anniversary, why not join us for a run to the venue.
- Meet
- Thornton McDonalds Carpark - Access off Thornton Road
- Organiser
- Josh Fitzgerald & Lindsay Green, 0404009304 or 0422470118,
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MX-5 Club members will be defending the clubs 2015 NSW Supersprint Championship. Come along and say hello.
- Meet
- Sydney Motorsport Park - South Circuit
- Assistant
- David Lawler, 0403 070 644,
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Come and join the Sydney Chapter for the run to the Hunter Chapter's 10th Anniversary celebrations
- Meet
- McDonalds - McGraths Hill , Windsor Rd & Groves Avenue, Windsor, Meet in the Carpark
- Organiser
- Guy Coles, 0419 914 443,
More Info
16 OctMid North Coast
Entries for this event have now closed.
The Hunter Chapter turns 10 in October! In recognition of this great milestone, a special day has been planned to celebrate.
We invite you to join us for the Hunter Chapter’s 10th Anniversary Celebrations.
RSVP by 30th September
- Meet
- Nanna Kerr's Kitchen
16 Pokolbin Mountains Road, Pokolbin 2320
- Assistant
- Josh Fitzgerald & Lindsay Green, 0404009304 or 0422470118,
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Dreaming of Loving a Lamborghini, being Provocative in a Porsche, Tangling your Testarossas? We will not even mention getting down and Volga..... Come on this run to try and live the dream....
- Duration
- 2 days (15 October - 16 October)
- Meet
- Figtree Maccas,
- Organiser
- Jan & Garry Gibson,
- Assistant
- Garry Gibson,
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13 OctHunter
This is the Hunter Chapters monthly meeting. Find out information about what is happening lately in the Hunter Chapter with upcoming events, hear reports on recent events, talks about MX-5s and general club discussions.
- Meet
- Club Macquarie 458 Lake Road, Argenton NSW 2284
- Organiser
- Josh Fitzgerald & Lindsay Green, 0404 009 304 or 0422 470 118,
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Monthly dinner meeting for RPM area members and other interested MX-5 Club members. Not an MX-5 Club member? No problem, join us to find out more about the Club and how to get more from your MX-5.
- Meet
- Springwood Sports Club, 83 Macquarie Road Springwood
- Organiser
- Lesa Bunn, 0423 276 152,
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Come and join Paul and the crew for a coffee and some MX-5 banter
- Meet
- Oran Park Town Cafe, Oran Park Drive
- Organiser
- Paul Byers, 0412 48 48 36,
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09 OctCanberra
The Route: Queanbeyan - Bungendore - Tarago - Goulburn – Gurrundah, Mullins Creek, Cullerin Range Roads - Gunning – Gundaroo road - Gundaroo.
- Meet
- Spotlight Carpark Warroo street (off Kings Highway/Yass Road Queanbeyan)
- Organiser
- Malcolm Bernhardt,
More Info
08 OctIllawarra
NEW VENUE FOR 2016. Join other members for an informal chat and coffee in beautiful Robertson on the second Saturday of every month.
- Meet
- Cafe Pirouette at Robertson, near the tractor place. 6/79-81 Hoddle Lane.
- Organiser
- Phil Reid, 0417 260 766,
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