High Country Run
Tuesday 6th: Meet in Armidale at 1pm latest for lunch at SALUTE
cafe. Check in to accommodation and enjoy an easy afternoon
visiting some local attractions.
Wednesday 7th: Back road driving with visits to local institutions
Thursday 8th: More short drives and visiting attractions (TBA)
Friday 9th : Head to the coast via some very interesting back
roads. The run will end with lunch in Coffs Harbour (TBA)
MEALS: All breakfasts at Servies Bistro or Cafe
Dinner Tuesday, curry night at Servies Bistro
Dinner Wednesday, (TBA)
Dinner Thursday, The Cottage Restaurant
NB The Servies Club adjoins the accommodation.
ACCOMMODATION: Please book directly with Trevor or Cherrie at
Servies Motel. (02) 6772 0918.
3 nights @$180 per night. (Ref MX5 club Chappell)
10 rooms max on hold
After booking your accomodation direct with the Motel please advise the organisers of your
attendance. Updates will be sent directly to you.
ORGANISERS: Kev and Jen Chappell,
0412 05 04 08