Convenors' BBQ
The President's Picnic is the Club's biggest event each year and is usually held in September. For 2025, it will be replaced by the Club 35th Anniversary Celebration in June, which is an event you must not miss. Illawarra will be filling the gap for September with a Convenors' BBQ.
It's been a while since we've had a Convenors' BBQ. The first was in January 2018 at Fitzroy Falls Reservoir organised by Jan & Garry Gibson. The second was April 2019 at Jamberoo Tennis Club organised by Jeff & Pam Rowe. Covid got in the way after that and we're overdue for another one!
Join us at Robertson Cheese Factory, following our regular Mazdas in the Mist at Mumma's Country Kitchen. We'll head off at 11am for a 90-minute drive through the Southern Highlands to our mystery lunch destination. Gourmet BBQ hamburgers and soft drinks will be provided. Bring your own beer and wine if you prefer. Please pack your own picnic chairs and a small table if you have one. Picnic shelters will be available (if they're not snaffled beforehand). Capacity for this event is capped at 50 people and prior registration is required.