
Take Me To The River

30 April 2022 / Story: Brian Clayton; Photos: Anda Clayton, Anne Zattera

A break in the weather, good friends, fast cars, a good road and a hatted restaurant at the end. Let's go!

Mountain Ramble

07 April 2022 / Story: Chris Fondum & Dace Abolins, John Cassidy, Brian Clayton; Photos: Anda Clayton, Rose Smith, John Cassidy, Mike Lawless

Four fabulous days in the mountains, sweeping bends and twisty roads, mountain scenery, fine food and better company.

Cars, Stars, and Rock'n'Roll

29 March 2022 / Story: Dewi Brewitt, Bill Short; Photos: Anda Clayton, Dewi Brewitt, Rose Smith

Three days travelling the Golden West visiting cars, looking at stars and indulging in Elvis.

Lunch in the Gardens

26 February 2022 / Story: Anne Zattera; Photos: Anne Zattera, Anda Clayton

Heavy rain all week and more predicted. But did this deter our adventurers from a walk in a beautiful native garden? Perhaps it was the promised lunch which convinced any waverers to join what turned out to be another great lunch run.

Mazdas to Merimbula

18 February 2022 / Story: Barry Pope; Photos: Bill Short, Robyn Blood, Anda Clayton

The Bega Valley, fine food and wine, MX5 roads, wonderful scenery and great company. Three days of great motoring. What else would you do during the week?

Australia Day 2022!

31 January 2022 / Words: Senia Gaunson Photos: Senia Gaunson, Bryan Shedden, Rob Wilco, Brendan Barr

A big event with interclub cricket, thong throwing and Jenga challenges to add to the celebration, the only thing missing was vegemite. Great organisation by Senia and Lena!

Club Torque Spring 2021

09 January 2022 / Words by G Peter Battisson and Kerri Langworthy-Ward

Well folks, it’s finally here, your latest “Club Torque Spring 2021”. It has taken Kerri -your Vice President and all round Super Woman with her astonishing Superpowers- and I -you’re getting fatter, little, over worked President- an incredible amount of time and hair pulling -hers, not mine, as I have very little- frustration to get this edition f


03 January 2022


Jervis Bay jingles

24 December 2021 / Story: Brian Clayton; Photos: Anda Clayton, Bill Short

Today took us to our final MX5 car club event for 2021-adorned in "something Christmassy", 8 of us enjoyed morning tea and a walk at Jervis Bay's beautiful but otherwise deserted Greenfield Beach, then on to Husky for lunch at Club Jervis Bay.

South Coast Christmas Party & Awards Presentation

01 December 2021 / Story: Brian & Anda Clayton; Photos: Anne Zattera & Anda Clayton

Despite the unkind weather Christmas on the South Coast was a merry affair

Club Torque 2021-11 cover Winter 2021

Club Torque - Our first digital edition

30 November 2021 / Kerri Langworthy-Ward

Welcome to a new way to view Club Torque, the official magazine of the MX-5 Club of NSW. This is the first time we have produced a purely 'online magazine' instead of printing.

Sculptures at Petana

16 November 2021 / Story and Pictures by: Anda Clayton

Threat of rain over ridden by promise of lunch and cultural experience

The logo of the Mazda MX-5 Club of NSW, approved by members on 27th August 2003

COVID Procedures update

29 October 2021 / G Peter Battisson

These COVID-19 procedures supersede all earlier notices. COVID-19 procedures apply to Members & Guests with fully vaccinated or medical exemption certificates.

Thai at Tuross

26 October 2021 / Story: Brian Clayton; Photos: Anda Clayton

Lockdown ended, time to take our MX5 on the road for a day out and lunch with friends

President’s View of the AGM

25 October 2021 / G Peter Battisson

The Club held it's 2021 AGM on Friday 22nd October at 7.30pm via ZOOM Conferencing. We have a new President, some new people on the Committee ... and even a new Life Member!

The logo of the Mazda MX-5 Club of NSW, approved by members on 27th August 2003

Notification of 2021 Annual General Meeting

17 September 2021 / Words by Phil Donnelley

Notice is hereby given that the 2021 Annual General Meeting of Members of the Mazda MX-5 Club of NSW Incorporated will be held on Friday 22nd October 2021 commencing at 7:30pm. The meeting will take the form of an online virtual meeting using Zoom.

NatMeet 2020 Slide 1 v3

Cancellation of NatMeet 2022

14 September 2021 / Words by Wesley Hill

We were set to go in April 2020. Then covid arrived. We postponed to April 2021, but covid stopped that again. We hoped for April 2022, but sadly that is now impossible too. Read on for more explanation.

Mazdas at Mogo - Take 2

05 September 2021 / Story: Kerry Warner; Photos: Anda Clayton

With only the South Coast not in lockdown, how long can it last. Make hay while the sun shines and have a day at the zoo and lunch with friends.

Committee Confidential August 2021

09 August 2021

August Committee News

Bastille Day Bash

19 July 2021 / Story: Chris Fondum and Dace Abolins; Photos: Anda Clayton

COVID played havoc with the numbers but a delicious dining experience awaited those of us who could escape to the High Country.