
NatMeet Theme Night - photo by Tom Wilde

Team NSW does NatMeet

13 March 2016 / Words by Bryan Shedden, Photos by Peter Hilkmann, Tom Wilde, Josh Fitzgerald & Grant Webber

NatMeet XII at Launceston, Tasmania on 13-18 February 2016 attracted a record participation of 184 people and 106 MX-5s. Read on for the story of how 63 of our Club members ticked a few boxes on their bucket list.

NatMeet bus ride to Team NSW dinner - photo by Bryan Shedden

NatMeet - Team NSW Dinner

13 March 2016 / Words by Maree & Steve Ecclestone, Photos by Bryan Shedden & Helen Green

After two days of wonderful MX-5 drives around the Launceston countryside, NatMeet lunches and dinners, it was time for the NSW members to have their own function and see the city lights of Launceston.

NatMeet - Gowrie Park run - photo by Grant Webber

NatMeet - Targa Roads Touring

13 March 2016 / Words by Peter Hilkmann, Photos by Peter Hilkmann, Josh Fitzgerald, Grant Webber & Tom Wilde

The theme for NatMeet XII was "It’s all about the Car", and for us MX-5ers ... Tasmania is all about the "Targa Tasmania Roads". And let me tell you right from the word GO ... we were not disappointed with plenty of Targa Roads to explore, before, during and after NatMeet.

NatMeet Concours at Josef Chromy Winery - photo by Peter Hilkmann

NatMeet - Concours at Josef Chromy Winery

13 March 2016 / Words by Craig Morrison, Photos by Peter Hilkmann, Grant Webber, Josh Fitzgerald & Tom Wilde.

Under threatening skies, the first day of NatMeet XII kicked off with a brisk top-down drive from Launceston Country Club through lively, twisting roads to the picturesque grounds of the Josef Chromy Winery - our venue for Concours d'Elegance, Show & Shine and a superb lunch.

On the marshalling grid at Baskerville - photo by Josh Fitzgerald

NatMeet - Baskerville track day

13 March 2016 / Words by Phil Donnelley, Photos by Grant Webber & Josh Fitzgerald

The 2016 NatMeet in Launceston was a very special week of activities for everyone. However, at the top of my list was the track day at Baskerville, just north of Hobart. It is pure MX-5 heaven! Valentines Day was a perfect date to fall in love with this place after the straight-line blast at Symmons Plains the day before.

NatMeet Track Day at Symmons Plains

NatMeet - Symmons Plains track day

13 March 2016 / Words by Peter Barnwell, Photos by Grant Webber & Josh Fitzgerald

Symmons Plains Raceway in Tasmania was the venue for the NatMeet track day on Saturday 13 February. Our club was strongly represented on the day, making up half of the entire field of drivers!

Date change for Tech Day at Spinning Wheel

08 March 2016 / Michael Soulos

The wheel alignment day has been moved to Saturday 2 April 2016. Places are still available for a discounted wheel alignment.

Australia Day At Cordeaux Dam, 2016

27 January 2016 / Brendan Barr photos: Brendan Barr

Wet weather threatened to dampen our enthusiasm, would teams, in training for months, actually turn up for the Wacky Races?

2015 CareFlight donation - presentation by Glenn Thomas (Vice President) to John Legge (CareFlight Air Crewman) on 11 December 2015

CareFlight Donation Presentation

27 January 2016 / Words by Glenn Thomas, Photos by Bryan Shedden

A donation cheque of $2715 was presented recently to CareFlight by Glenn Thomas (Vice President) and Bryan Shedden (President), on behalf of the MX-5 Club of NSW. Thank you to all members and sponsors who contributed to the various charity fundraising activities held throughout 2015, and made this generous donation possible.

Mazda MX-5 ND is 2016 Wheels COTY

Mazda MX-5 is the 2016 Wheels Car of the Year

22 January 2016 / Wheels magazine

On Wednesday night at a gala ceremony in Melbourne, and followed enthusiastically via social media, the Mazda MX-5 ND was declared as the 2016 Wheels Car of the Year. It is the third win for the popular sports car, with previous generations having won the prestigious award in 1989 and 2005.

Logo 25th Anniversary

2015 - A Year of Membership Records

15 January 2016 / Bryan Shedden

Our 25th Anniversary year broke all records for Club membership. A couple of graphs tell the story.

Bryan Shedden being presented with Honorary Life Membership by Vice President Glenn Thomas on 27 September 2015 at the Club 25th Anniversary celebration

New Life Member - Bryan Shedden

12 January 2016 / Words by Glenn Thomas & Mel Keller, Photo by Mel Keller

To spring a surprise on our famously well-organised President is no mean feat and so the presentation of Bryan’s Honorary Life Membership at the Club’s 25th Anniversary celebration was planned in the deepest secrecy.

ND Day 2.0 at Sutherland Mazda - photo by Mel Keller

ND Day 2.0

29 December 2015 / Story by Bryan Shedden, Photos by Mel Keller

The latest arrival of the 2.0L version provided another opportunity for a launch event for MX-5 Club members and visitors. Sutherland Mazda hosted the event in their brand new showroom at Kirrawee. And I hear that at least a couple NDs were sold on the day!

2015 Member of the Year - Phil Reid from Illawarra Chapter

2015 Member Of The Year

11 December 2015 / Words by Bryan Shedden, Photos by Bryan Shedden

The winners of our annual Member of the Year awards were presented last weekend, and the runners-up will be presented this weekend. And the winners are ...

NatMeet XII ladies polo

Get your Team NSW NatMeet regalia

04 December 2015 / Bryan Shedden

In the fine tradition of our Club’s strong attendance at NatMeet, our Regalia team has designed a special range of "Team NSW" clothing for NatMeet XII in Tasmania.

Soft Tops Online NA cloth top

Soft Tops Online Christmas Special

03 December 2015 / Soft Tops Online

Our Major Sponsor, Soft Tops Online, have wished us all a happy and safe Christmas. They have a small Christmas special on offer that members might be interested in.

Help required at next MX-5 Club track day

08 November 2015 / David Lawler

Please help your fellow club members by assisting at the next track day or motorkhana

2015 President's Award - Keith Monaghan (photo by Mel Keller)

Annual General Meeting & Awards Presentation

30 October 2015 / Words by Bryan Shedden, Photos by Mel Keller

The AGM of the MX-5 Club of NSW was held on Wednesday 21 October 2015 at Ryde-Eastwood Leagues Club. Read on for all the reports, new Committee members, and awards recipients.

Club Presidents, past and present, cut the cake for our Club's 25th Anniversary

MX-5 Club 25th Anniversary Celebration

21 October 2015 / Words & Photos by Mel Keller, Photos by Grant Webber & Jay Flak

In these days of disposable everything, it is rare that something can last for 25 years. Not only has the MX-5 Club of NSW survived for quarter of a century, it has thrived. So how best to mark this unique achievement?

EuroNCAP crash test of the ND MX-5

ND gets crash tested

08 October 2015 / EuroNCAP

The new ND MX-5 has achieved a four star rating in the latest round of EuroNCAP testing published on 7 October. Watch the crash test video if you have a strong stomach!