
June 2023 CMC magazine

07 June 2023 / Ian Combes

June E magazine from The Council of Motorsport Clubs NSW

MNC 10th Anniversary Mystery Run

05 June 2023 / Words by John Hansen, Photos by Wayne Lang

Bright blue sunny skies over Olivers at the Port Macquarie Service Centre greeted twenty four MX-5 Club Members for the ‘Official 10 Year Anniversary Run’. Fourteen MX-5 cars representing models from the NA to the latest RFGT waited patiently for the start....

Not Meet 2023

14 April 2023 / Written by: Barry Luttrell, Photos: Jenny Luttrell

Here we are again, after the Covid break it's back on the road in the New England area.

Natmeet 2024

27 March 2023 / Ian Combes

Entries for Natmeet 2024 will open in June.

Buladelah via Krambach Run

15 March 2023 / Words by John Hansen, Photos by Wayne Lang

The remoteness of the area was an attraction to some well known Bushrangers such as the Clark Gang who operated in the 1840 and 1850’s, the Jewboy Gang in 1860 and of course the infamous Captain Thunderbolt (Frederick Ward) in the 1860’s. The remoteness of the area meant that travellers needed to keep a sharp watch out...

SMP-Amaroo track day 5 Oct 2019

Helpers needed for 26th Feb track day in Sydney

10 February 2023 / David Lawler

The Club needs helpers for the 26th February track day at Sydney Motorsport Park

Photo by Rob Wilko, 23 Oct 2022

25th Anniversary of Motorsport Celebrations

01 November 2022 / Words by Joe Kovacic & Bryan Shedden, Photos by Rob Wilko, Fiona Shedden, Reece Lyndon

With only two months of planning we have managed to pull off a very successful 25th Anniversary of Motorsport Celebration at Pheasant Wood on Sunday 23 October 2022. A discounted trackday, with complimentary morning tea, lunch, drinks and commemorative cap and keyring for all was the Club's way of thanking members for their support.

Book now for your Chapter Christmas Party

30 October 2022 / Words by Bryan Shedden

The Christmas decorations have been out for sale at BigW and KMart for months now, so I suppose it's time we all begin thinking about our own Christmas celebrations. As is the tradition, each Chapter of the MX-5 Club of NSW is hosting a Christmas Party with a suitably festive feast. Have a closer look at what's on offer and book now!

Mayfield Gardens Weekender

14 October 2022 / Words by Roby Leckenby, Keiran Rodgers, Dayna Fisher, Photos by Wayne Lang, Keiran Rodgers, Dayna Fisher, Barry Luttrell, Peter Rodgers

Winding roads, breathtaking views, incredible below to find out about our incredible time in the Bathurst region!

Save Wakefield Park

13 October 2022 / Ian Combes

20,000 signatures are required to present the Save Wakefield Park e-Petition to State Parliament.

Photo by Rob Wilko, Sunday 18 September 2022

Concours d'Elegance 2022

01 October 2022 / Words by Bryan Shedden

Concours d'Elegance made a return to the President's Picnic in 2022. Read on for the results ...

Autumn Leaves Foodies Run

30 September 2022 / Words: Peter Rodgers and Roby Leckenby Photos: Wayne and Cathy Lang

The run was due to officially begin with lunch at the Tattersalls Hotel in Armidale, though unofficially it began earlier in both Coffs Harbour and Port Macquarie. Our Coff’s contingent of John, Jennene, Robert and Rhonda in their NC’s headed to Armidale via Dorrigo and the Waterfall Way...

The logo of the Mazda MX-5 Club of NSW, approved by members on 27th August 2003

Committee Vacancies at 2022 AGM

29 August 2022 / Words by Phil Donnelley

We currently have a full committee but a few people are only continuing until the AGM on 28 October. Here is your chance to join a keen group of club members and help make our club even better than it already is.

Magnificent Manning Run

20 July 2022 / Words by David Paff

We were blessed with a beautiful sunny day, unfortunately that was the day before our Manning Magic Run. Grey skies and gently falling rain were our backdrop as we set off from Failford, Forster Bound...

John's Smarties Run to the Manning

15 April 2022 / Words and pictures – Peter Rodgers and Roby Leckenby

A thrilling recite of our first blue-skied run in 8 weeks....

Paddy's Rest Run Report

28 February 2022

Considering the very wet conditions experienced over the past few days and the continuing heavy rain, we had an excellent roll up of fourteen members in seven more

Australia Day 2022!

31 January 2022 / Words: Senia Gaunson Photos: Senia Gaunson, Bryan Shedden, Rob Wilco, Brendan Barr

A big event with interclub cricket, thong throwing and Jenga challenges to add to the celebration, the only thing missing was vegemite. Great organisation by Senia and Lena!

Seal Rocks Run

20 January 2022 / Words by Rosy Black & Photos by Dayna Fisher

The meeting point for our Seal Rocks Run was the Port Macquarie Service Centre known locally at the Donut and attracted 10 members in 7 cars. The cars represented a range of MX-5’s from the NA’s to the latest luxury model in a range of beautiful colours...

Club Torque Spring 2021

09 January 2022 / Words by G Peter Battisson and Kerri Langworthy-Ward

Well folks, it’s finally here, your latest “Club Torque Spring 2021”. It has taken Kerri -your Vice President and all round Super Woman with her astonishing Superpowers- and I -you’re getting fatter, little, over worked President- an incredible amount of time and hair pulling -hers, not mine, as I have very little- frustration to get this edition f

MNC Xmas Lunch & Mystery Run

09 January 2022 / Words by John Hansen, Photos by Gayle Adamson

Club members were looking forward to meeting each other and sharing a Christmas lunch to cap off a very disjointed COVID filled year. This year’s lunch would also see the retirement of the current Convenors, Allen and Peter after steering the club successfully for the past years...