Canberra Chapter News

COVID-19 Update

24 May 2020

The latest COVID-19 procedures

Tallagandra Hill Winery Lunch

26 April 2020 / Words and photos by Rod Nicholas

My calendar reminded me that today we were going on a run to Tallagandra Hill Winery. ‘Traffic is light. It will take 30 minutes to arrive’ it told me. Ordinarily, that would have been a fib.

COVID-19 Update 19 April 20

19 April 2020

COVID-19 how are we going at April 2020

COVID-19 Update

25 March 2020 / Keith Monaghan

As per the government’s new regulations we must cancel all club activities effective from 23 March 2020 until further notice.

COVID-19 Procedure

18 March 2020 / Keith Monaghan

This is the club's procedure for all members and visitors in relation to the actions needed in relation to the COVID-19 virus.

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Postponement of NatMeet – Further Update

15 March 2020 / Peter & Jill Feutrill

One matter that has been raised a number of times today has been the refund process for people who are unable to attend NatMeet later in the year.

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NatMeet 2020 – Impact of COVID-19

15 March 2020 / Peter & Jill Feutrill

After considering the potential health risks for all attendees, we have come to the difficult decision to postpone NatMeet to a date in either late September or October 2020.

Wyangala Wandering

12 March 2020 / Words and pictures by Rod Nicholas

It was an imposing sight—twenty MX-5s of various hues all standing ready to run.

Shannon's Wheels 2020

08 March 2020 / Words and photos by Bob Judd

Another glorious day in the National Capital – or, in this case, Queanbeyan – and a perfect day for our annual participation in the Shannon’s Wheels Display Day. This year, 20 MX-5s were displayed to the general public, as well as our favourite De Lorean and our Club’s BBQ trailer.

Mazda MX-5 ND media photo

ND Windscreen Replacement

05 March 2020 / Brian Clayton

Have you checked your windscreen insurance lately

Beautiful Bermagui

26 February 2020 / Words by Steve Wakeling. Photos by Rod Nicholas and Anda Clayton

Our four-day excursion to Beautiful Bermagui and surrounds had been planned before the bushfires, but we were pleased to throw a few dollars around as we took our be part in the ‘return of the tourists’.

Laggan Pub Lunch

12 February 2020 / Words by Ron Tollenaar. Photos by Ron Tollenaar, Rob Wilko and Rod Nicholas

Neither rain nor wind could stop our group of 25 from having a great run to Laggan for a quality pub lunch.

Braidwood Mid-week Run

02 February 2020 / Words by Giulia Schiemer

Isn’t it always the way that the spontaneous things we do often turn out to be some of the best. But this was one of the good ones.

Five Hills 2020

02 February 2020 / Words by Norm Barker. Photos by Rob Wilko

This was the first run for 2020, our annual Five Hills Run, on a very smoky but warm day. Not great conditions for the tops down but a very quiet day for a cruise around Canberra’s Lake Burley Griffin, going up and down five of the hills.

Canberra Chapter Christmas Lunch and Presentations

18 December 2019 / Words by Giulia Schiemer, Photos by Rod Nicholas

It wasn’t just a Christmas Lunch, but a gathering of friends who got together to cap off another fantastic year for our Canberra Chapter.

Jindabyne Joyride

27 November 2019 / Words and photos by Rod Nicholas. Additional photos courtesy of Rob Wilko

Maybe it was the promise of great high-country roads. Maybe it was the lure of lunch at the Wildbrumby Distillery. Maybe it was the weather. Whatever it was, it certainly got a crowd of MX-5 enthusiasts excited.

Radford College Classic and Sports Car Show

11 November 2019 / Words by Bob Judd. Photos by Bob Judd and Rod Nicholas

Under a cloudy and threatening sky, a group of ten cars gathered on the central oval of the Radford College to display our cars as part of their “Classic and Sports Car Show”.

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NatMeet 2020 - Registration is now closed

10 November 2019 / Peter Feutrill

Registration for the 2020 Natmeet XIV Hunter Valley is now closed.

Hill End Hillbilly Hoot

06 November 2019 / Words by James & Giulia Schiemer, photos by Rod Nicholas

Wild winds, fierce storms, blackouts, marauding geese, country pubs, good beer, snag sambos, fun roads, great company. What was missing? Nothing.

Canberra Run to the President's Picnic

17 October 2019 / Words and Photos by Norm Barker

It might have only been a small group but the enthusiasm wasn’t lacking.